Sandra Navidi
Beyond Global

Founder & CEO

Sandra Navidi is the Founder and CEO of BeyondGlobal, where she provides macroeconomic and strategic positioning advice. Previously, she worked closely with noted economist Nouriel Roubini at Roubini Global Economics. Prior to that she held positions as investment banker, general counsel and consultant. Ms. Navidi is admitted to practice law in the Federal Republic of Germany as well as in the State of New York. She is the bestselling author of award-winning $uperHubs: How the Financial Elite and their Networks Rule Our World, one of Bloomberg’s Best Books of the Year. 2022 she published Future IQ: Your Success Strategies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, which was published in German in 2021 as Das Future-Proof Mindset. In October 2022, she published her third book Die DNA der USA: Wie tickt Amerika. She also co-authored the award-winning three-part n-tv documentary "Wie tickt Amerika" and in her Meet your Master class, she provides career advice. Ms. Navidi is a member of The Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, which counts numerous Nobel laureates among its members, and one of 500 official LinkedIn Global Influencers, a frequent expert commentator in international media on geo-economic issues and an experienced key-note speaker.

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